
Responsibility by Tradition.

KTV Speditionsgesellschaft mbH has specialised in the transport of building materials and foodstuffs for more than 30 years. Together with our group of companies, we not only seek to overcome the challenges of sustainable transformation, but also to recognise and benefit from the opportunities it offers. This means that social, ecological and economic principles are taken into account equitably in everyday life and when making decisions. Protecting people is a key focus for us, both within our group of companies as well along the entire supply chain.




Our Values
Our group of companies is characterised by close cooperation where people take centre stage.

Great together, respectful, employee driven, integrative, worthy of appreciation, individual, neverending, gentle - It's GREIWING !

Your information is important to us! You can use our whistleblower system to draw attention to irregularities or offences anonymously and securely. Please use the link and help us to maintain transparency and integrity in our company.